With this experience in mind, here are three important guidelines for managing volunteers:
1. Be judicious in who you are asking to partner with you. You
are choosing a partner, hopefully for a long-term commitment.
2. Clearly define what you are asking them to do – and then
allow them to do it. It may take more time/effort in the
beginning to get them set up and ready to go, but it will pay
tremendous dividends down the road.
3. Don’t be afraid to ask them to do more. We often assume
people are too busy. As we well know from the fundraising side of
the business – people will say no when not interested. Let the
volunteer tell you when enough is enough.
In fundraising it is (almost) taken for granted that in order to be a good fundraiser you need to be a donor. Why do we not set the same standard when it comes to volunteering?
To be a good volunteer manager, you have to volunteer.